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MPSC 2025 Exam: Important Dates


Notification Date

Prelims Exam Date

Prelims Exam Estimated Month of Result

Mains Exam Date

Main Exam Estimated Month of Result

MPSC Group B and C (Maharashtra Non-Gazetted Group B and Group C) Joint Prelims

February 2024

16 June 2024

August 2024

Maharashtra Non-Gazetted Group B Services Main Exam

29 September 2024

January 2025

Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Main Exam 2024

26 October 2024

January 2025

Maharashtra Non-Gazetted Group C Services Main Exam

17 November 2024

February 2025

What is the MPSC Rajyaseva Exam?

The MPSC Rajyaseva Exam is a state-level competitive examination conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission. It recruits candidates for administrative posts in the Maharashtra government, including roles like Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendent of Police, and other Group A and Group B positions.

The exam is conducted in three stages:

  1. Preliminary Examination (Prelims):An objective screening test to filter candidates for the next stage.
  2. Main Examination (Mains):A descriptive written test that assesses in-depth knowledge and analytical ability.
  3. Interview:A personality test conducted to evaluate a candidate’s interpersonal skills, decision-making ability, and confidence.

The final merit list is prepared based on the cumulative scores of the Mains examination and the Interview.

MPSC Rajyaseva Prelims Exam Pattern 2025

The Prelims is the first stage of the exam and serves as a qualifying round to shortlist candidates for the Mains. It consists of two objective-type papers:

Paper I: General Studies

  • Marks: 200
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Topics Covered:
  • Current events of national and international importance.Staying updated with current affairs is essential as it has significant weightage.
  • Indian history and the Indian National Movement.This includes Maharashtra’s contribution to the freedom struggle.
  • Geography:Covers physical, social, and economic geography of Maharashtra, India, and the world.
  • Polity:Includes Indian Constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, and governance.
  • Economics:Focuses on sustainable development, poverty alleviation, inclusion, and economic reforms.
  • Environment and Ecology.General awareness on environmental issues, climate change, and biodiversity.
  • General Science.Basic understanding of science concepts and their application in day-to-day life.

Paper II: CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test)

  • Marks: 200
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Qualifying Nature: Minimum 33% marks required.
  • Topics Covered:
  • Comprehension and interpersonal skills.Includes passages and language-based questions.
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability.Questions on patterns, sequences, and data-based conclusions.
  • Decision-making and problem-solving.Scenario-based questions to test critical thinking.
  • Basic numeracy (up to Class 10 level).Arithmetic topics like percentages, ratios, and averages.
  • Data interpretation and sufficiency.Covers graphs, tables, charts, and their analysis.

Note: There is negative marking of 1/4th mark for every incorrect answer in both papers.

MPSC Rajyaseva Mains Exam Pattern 2025

The Mains exam is the most crucial stage of the Rajyaseva process. Candidates who qualify Prelims are eligible to appear for the Mains, which consists of nine papers, out of which two are qualifying in nature.

Mains Exam Structure

General Studies (GS) Paper Breakdown:

  1. GS Paper I:
    • Indian Heritage, Culture, and History.
    • Geography of Maharashtra and India.
  2. GS Paper II:
    • Governance, Indian Constitution, and International Relations.
  3. GS Paper III:
    • Economic Development, Agriculture, Science & Technology.
    • Environment and Disaster Management.
  4. GS Paper IV:
    • Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude. Case studies are an essential part of this paper.

MPSC Rajyaseva Syllabus 2025: Detailed Overview

Here is a detailed breakdown of the key topics covered across both Prelims and Mains.

Prelims Syllabus

  1. General Studies Paper I:
    • Current Affairs: International, national, and state-level events.
    • History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Indian History with Maharashtra’s role in freedom.
    • Geography: Detailed study of Maharashtra’s geography and its implications.
    • Polity, Governance, and Constitution.
    • Economics and Environment.
    • General Science.
  2. CSAT Paper II:
    • Logical reasoning, comprehension, and decision-making skills.

Mains Syllabus

  1. Language Papers (Marathi & English):
    • Essay writing, grammar, comprehension, and precise writing.
  2. Essay Paper:
    • Socio-economic and political issues.
  3. General Studies Papers I-IV:
    • Indian History, Economy, Governance, and Ethics.

Optional Subjects

Choose any one optional subject from the given list.

Click Here for Optional Subject List

 Tips to Prepare for MPSC Rajyaseva Exam

  1. Understand the Exam Structure:Review the updated syllabus and pattern carefully.
  2. Regularly Follow Current Affairs:Make notes from newspapers like The Hindu and follow PIB.
  3. Create a Realistic Schedule:Allocate time for Prelims, Mains, and revision equally.
  4. Practice Writing Skills:Writing concise answers in Mains is critical.
  5. Solve Previous Papers:It helps you understand question trends.
  6. Take Mock Tests:Improve time management and accuracy.
  7. Stay Consistent:Regular study and revisions are key to clearing the exam.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What are the total marks in the MPSC Rajyaseva Exam?

Ans: The Mains exam is 1750 marks excluding the interview.

Q2: Is there negative marking in Prelims?

Ans: Yes, 1/4th mark is deducted for wrong answers.

Q3: Can I attempt the Mains exam in Marathi?

Ans: Yes, except for language-specific papers.

List of Groups, Posts & Salary

MPSC Posts

MPSC Posts 2024: Every year, the Rajya Seva Examination is conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) to find eligible candidates for a variety of posts. They are recruited by the Maharashtra government under several ministries and lower services. Candidates for the MPSC Rajyaseva Examination work tirelessly day and night, staying up late to apply for any of the MPSC Posts. 

They are very motivated to work hard, and MPSC posts fall under Class A or Group A posts. Their salaries, perks, and other compensation are what motivate them to put in more effort and constantly adjust their preparedness plans. We’ll talk about MPSC posts and salaries in this article. We will also highlight the salary of an MPSC Deputy Collector to motivate hardworking candidates who hope to get the post.

Group of Posts

Salary, compensation, and other benefits, together with allowances, help candidates prepare better. They put in a lot of effort every day to secure MPSC posts at the top. The full list of all the MPSC posts falling into the three categories: Group A, Group B, and Group C, as well as their salaries, benefits, and other details, is provided below. The MPSC State Service Exam (Rajya Seva Exam) is the means of recruitment for all of the posts listed in the table, along with the salary.

Group A Post List & Salary

Class A gazetted officers have high-level administrative and executive posts in the government and often earn more than their Class B students. The type and responsibilities of their MPSC posts, their years of experience, and their performance are some of the factors that influence their income.

Group A Post List & Salary

Group B Post List & Salary

Class B officers work in the government in intermediate posts, and they often make less money than Class A Gazetted officers. A Class B officer can earn between a few thousand and many tens of thousands of rupees per month, depending on their MPSC posts.

Group B Post List & Salary

Non-Gazetted Group B Post List

Class B officers work in the government in intermediate posts, and they often make less money than Class A Gazetted officers. A Class B officer can earn between a few thousand and many tens of thousands of rupees per month, depending on their MPSC posts.

Non-Gazetted Group B (Subordinate Services) Post List & Salary

Group C Post List & Salary

Candidates for different Group C posts in the Maharashtra State Government are selected through the Group-C Service Exam, which is conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC). Class C officers have entry-level posts within the government and are often paid less than Class B police.

Their responsibilities include carrying out daily duties and responsibilities from their supervisors. Class C officers are paid according to their performance, experience, and duties. The list of all posts and their salaries that were filled through the MPSC Group-C Examination are included in the following table.

Group C Post List & Salary

Forest Services Posts List & Salary

Candidates for different Group C posts in the Maharashtra State Government are selected through the Group-C Service Exam, which is conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC). Class C officers have entry-level posts within the government and are often paid less than Class B police.

The Forest Service Exam is conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) to select candidates for several posts within the Maharashtra Forest Department. The Vanseva Exam is the name of the exam. The list of all MPSC posts and their salaries that were filled out through the MPSC Forest Service (Vanseva) exam is shown in the following table.

Forest Services Post List & Salary

Agriculture Services Posts List & Salary

The Agriculture Service Exam is conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) to select candidates for several posts within the Maharashtra Department of Agriculture. The list of all MPSC posts and their salaries that were filled through the MPSC Group-C Examination is included in the following table.

Agriculture Services Post List & Salary

Engineering Services Posts List & Salary

The Engineering Service Exam is conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) to select candidates for civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering posts in the Maharashtra government. The list of all MPSC posts and their salaries that were filled through the MPSC Engineering Service Examination is shown in the following table.

Engineering Services Post List & Salary

Civil Judge & JMFC Posts List & Salary

The MPSC Civil Judge Division and Judicial Magistrate has been mentioned in the table given below. The candidates can go through the details of the salary scale and the allowances.

Civil Judge & JMFC Post List & Salary

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