- Weekly Test Serieshttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1bD2h1FgMTeS9oZC8P27NyXs1IWNGsM_O/view?usp=sharing
- Daily Test Series

The present UPSC Prelims 2025 Test Series Schedule has been planned meticulously to ensure that daily studies of the various sections of the syllabus is done by the student. Also the study material for each test has been suggested. The entire syllabus of Prelims shall be covered and the student’s confidence level boosted to ensure he/she faces the exam well prepared. (If you do not do well in the tests, it means you need to study much more under proper guidance and maybe think of another attempt! Do not waste attempts to avoid getting into a vicious circle of failures.)
Also, Prelims tests will help you judge whether you should take risks and attempt questions which you are not sure of, and lose 1/3rd marks on being wrong. It will help you frame up a strategy on number of questions you should attempt in the paper. (A low attempt puts you out of the race even before your paper is evaluated. A very high attempt involving huge risks, wherein you attempt questions you are not very sure of, may result in your negative score eating up in your positive score and taking you down.)
The most important part of the entire Test Series is the Comprehensive Tests. These are on the pattern of UPSC papers wherein questions are NOT arranged section wise (eg. History, Geography, Polity, Economy and so on for Paper I and Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, GMA and so on in Paper II) but are put in randomly. Also with complete syllabus included, your overall preparation and time management can be best judged in these tests. Thus, we have included 3 General Studies Paper I comprehensive tests and 3 General Studies Paper II (CSAT) comprehensive tests in this Test Series.
Attempting two comprehensive papers on a single day is also essential as your UPSC Prelims is conducted on a single day, a Sunday, at a Centre allotted in two shifts – Morning and Afternoon.
Morning Shift – (9:30 am to 11:30 am) and Afternoon Shift – (2:30 pm to 4:30 pm)
If you are serious about the UPSC Civil Services Exam then you should take this Test Series seriously as well, and ensure your success.
Best of Luck to all our Students!
Test Schedule: Weekly – Prelims 2025
Test Series Prelims 2025
Diwali Offer –
UPSC CSE Prelims 2025 Test Series
(Offline & Online)
Attempt offline mode at Dadar, Mumbai. https://goo.gl/maps/FgcgXSmed6jS8xfn7
For Online Tests install A A Shah’s Learning App from Google Play.
For details contact
– A A Shah’s IAS Institute
Contact: +91-9004078746